
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Chooses ChemoCare

CIS Oncology is delighted to announce that the North West London ICS Trusts has chosen ChemoCare as its chemotherapy e-prescribing solution for the future. The decision to choose ChemoCare and CIS Oncology to provide “a suitably qualified supplier able to provide a high quality and cost effective ePrescribing solution and applicable Support Services that meets their needs”, means they will take delivery of the UK’s leading SACT prescribing system and join the ChemoCare family. We would like to take the opportunity to welcome them and are keen that they can enjoy the expertise and support of a community dedicated to cancer care.

Tony Pegg, CEO at CIS Oncology added “We are delighted to have been chosen by North West London ICS Trusts (NWLICST) as their partner to deliver a “high quality and cost effective ePrescribing solution” and we look forward to working together to achieve their goals by taking full advantage of the advanced and leading capabilities available from ChemoCare for the benefit of patients and NWLICST“.

Based at the Innovation Centre in Belfast’s Titanic Quarter at the heart of the city’s thriving and innovative tech sector, CIS Oncology specialises in the creation and installation of innovative chemotherapy prescribing systems. Our number-one-selling ChemoCare system is used by hundreds of NHS Trusts across the UK and makes prescribing and patient management quicker, easier and more reliable, using the latest technology for access anywhere, any time.

If you would like more information about ChemoCare please email